Using the organize docker image#

The organize docker image comes preinstalled with exiftool and pdftotext as well as all the python dependencies set up and ready to go.


As organize is mainly used for moving files around you have to be careful about your volume mounts and paths. If you move a file to a folder which is not persisted it is gone as soon as the container is stopped!

Building the image#

cd into the organize folder (containing the Dockerfile) and build the image:

docker build -t organize .

The image is now tagged as organize. Now you can test the image by running

docker run organize

This will show the organize usage help text.


Let's create a basic config file docker-conf.yml:

  - locations: /data
      - echo: "Found file: {path}"

We can now run mount the config file to the container path /config/config.yml. The current directory is mounted to /data so we have some files present. We can now start the container:

docker run -v ./docker-conf.yml:/config/config.yml -v .:/data organize run

Passing the config file from stdin#

Instead of mounting the config file into the container you can also pass it from stdin:

docker run -i organize check --stdin < ./docker-conf.yml