Updating from organize v1.x#

First of all, thank you for being a long time user of organize!

I tried to keep the amount of breaking changes small but could not avoid them completely. Feel free to pin organize to v1.x, but then you're missing the party.

Please open a issue on Github if you need help migrating your config file!


Folders have become Locations in organize v2.

  • folders must be renamed to locations in your config.
  • REMOVED: The glob syntax (/Docs/**/*.png). See Location options.
  • REMOVED: The exclamation mark exlucde syntax (! ~/Desktop/exclude). See Location options.
  • All keys (filter names, action names, option names) now must be lowercase.


organize v2 uses the Jinja template engine. You may need to change some of your placeholders.

  • {basedir} is no longer available.
  • You have to replace undocumented placeholders like this:

With this:


If you need to left pad other numbers you can now use the following syntax:

{ "{:02}".format(your_variable) }
# or
{ '%02d' % your_variable }


  • filename is renamed to name.
  • filesize is renamed to size.
  • created no longer accepts a timezone and uses the local timezone by default.
  • lastmodified no longer accepts a timezone and uses the local timezone by default.


The copy, move and rename actions got a whole lot more powerful. You now have several conflict options and can specify exactly how a file should be renamed in case of a conflict.

This means you might need to change your config to use the new parameters.

  • copy arguments changed to support conflict resolution options.
  • move arguments changed to support conflict resolution options.
  • rename arguments changed to support conflict resolution options.


  - folders: ~/Desktop
      - extension: pdf
      - move:
          dest: ~/Documents/PDFs/
          overwrite: false
          counter_seperator: "-"

becomes (organize v2):

  - locations: ~/Desktop
      - extension: pdf
      - move:
          dest: ~/Documents/PDFs/
          on_conflict: rename_new
          rename_template: "{name}-{:02}.format(counter){extension}"

If you used move, copy or rename without arguments, nothing changes for you.

That's it. Again, feel free to open a issue if you have trouble migrating your config.